4th EuCheMS Conference on Green and Sustainable Chemistry (EUGSC-4)
22 – 25 September 2019, Tarragona (Spain) Oral Presentation
22 – 25 September 2019, Tarragona (Spain) Oral Presentation
15 – 20 September 2019, Moscow (Russia) Oral Presentation
26 – 30 May 2019, San Sebastian (Spain) Poster Presentation
Poster presentation: Ni-catalyzed Reductive Deaminative Arylation at sp3 Carbon Centers. Raul Martin-Montero, Veera Reddy Yatham, Hongfei Yin, Jacob Davies and Ruben Martin.
In October 2019, I was a member of a five-people team awarded with the “Equal Opportunity Prize” in Start Cup Campania 2019, a competition for business ideas based on research and innovation. Project name: MAGIC, presented by five-people team. Prize: 500 €. http://www.startcupcampania.unina.it/
In July 2019, I was awarded with the “Cinzia Chiappe Award” for the Best Italian PhD Thesis in the field of Green and Sustainable Chemistry, awarded by the “Gruppo Interdivisionale green chemistry – chimica sostenibile” of the Italian Chemical Society. The award consisted of a certificate and an invited lecture during the 7th Workshop Nazionale … Read more
I was a chairperson during the session dedicated to Fuels.
Oral contribution: “[OSSO]-Fe(III) Catalysts for the CO2/Epoxides Reaction” by Carmine Capacchione, Veronica Paradiso, Bernahard Rieger, Lugi Cavallo and Francesco Della Monica*
Prof. Martín has been awarded the “2019 Organic Letters Outstanding Publication of the Year Award” for his article “Ni-catalyzed Reductive Deaminative Arylation at sp3 Carbon Centers”! The Award from the ACS Division of Organic Chemistry and Organic Letters is given to scientists who published, in the previous year, an outstanding letter demonstrating both creativity and … Read more
Hongfei has participated in the video shooting of the H2020-MSCA-COFUND I2:ICIQ Impulsion programme (2020 and 2021 call)
Interview for comment on Chemistry World on a journal article related to enantioselective photochemistry link to article here.