II Hydrogen Week of Catalonia: Dr. Gopakumar showcases his work at ICIQ  

The II Hydrogen Week of Catalonia, held from June 10 to 14 at the Port of Tarragona, showcased the region’s commitment to renewable hydrogen innovation. Organized by H2CAT, the Hydrogen Valley of Catalonia, and the Efficient Energy Cluster of Catalonia (CEEC), the event brought together key players in the hydrogen ecosystem for a collaborative day of presentations and networking.

The event kicked off with insightful presentations from Miriam Diaz de los Bernardos, Director of H2CAT, and Isaac Justicia, Director of the Technical Office of the Hydrogen Valley of Catalonia. They emphasized the importance of public-private collaboration and networked innovation in advancing renewable hydrogen technologies.

During the networking break, H2CAT hosted a special edition of their Demo Days. Researchers from URV, UPC, ICIQ, and Eurecat demonstrated cutting-edge technologies and capabilities. Notably, Dr. Aswin Gopakumar, Changwei Liu and Ahmed Sheta from ICIQ took part in the demonstrations which included electrodes, potentiostat and electrolyte, highlighting the practical applications of their research.

Source: La xarxa H2CAT mostra a la II Setmana de l’hidrogen el potencial de la innovació col·laborativa – Xarxa H2CAT

Dr. Aswin Gopakumar, a postdoctoral researcher at ICIQ, is conducting research under the prestigious Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) fellowship. His project, POMASAC, supervised by Prof. Julio Lloret-Fillol, focuses on innovative materials for catalysis. Dr. Gopakumar’s expertise in materials chemistry and heterogeneous catalysis is instrumental in advancing the field of renewable hydrogen.

The II Hydrogen Week of Catalonia not only highlighted the region’s advancements in renewable hydrogen but also underscored the importance of collaborative efforts in driving innovation. With contributions from dedicated researchers like Dr. Aswin Gopakumar, Catalonia is poised to lead in the transition to sustainable energy solutions.