Dr. Bálazs Tóth at the BIST Career Week: Networking and Empowerment

Dr. Bálazs Tóth attended the BIST Career Week on the 26th-30th of June 2023 in Barcelona. This event, organized by the Barcelona Institute of Science and Technology (BIST), is a significant platform for networking and learning, attracting a diverse group of attendees, primarily PhD students and postdoctoral researchers. The BIST Career Week is a unique opportunity for attendees to gain essential career skills and explore job opportunities. It serves as a platform for attendees to explore into various aspects of their career paths, fostering a deeper understanding of their implications and opportunities.

Dr. Tóth actively participated in the event and lessons learned were incorporated on his MSCA Career Development plan. He engaged in insightful discussions with other attendees, shared his experiences, and offered advice to the next generation of researchers.

Dr. Tóth’s participation in the BIST Career Week not only enriched the experience of the attendees but also underscored the importance of networking and mentorship in scientific discovery. We look forward to more such inspiring initiatives in the future!