26th Conference Fèlix Serratosa with Prof. Dirk Trauner

Dr. Bálazs Tóth attended the 26th Conference Fèlix Serratosa at ICIQ. This prestigious event, held on October 11, 2022, was the annual tribute to Professor Fèlix Serratosa, a leading researcher in organic chemistry in Spain.

The conference featured a seminar by Professor Dirk Trauner from the University of Pennsylvania. His talk, titled ‘A Total Synthesis of Tetrodotoxin and other Adventures in Chemical Neuroscience’, was a highlight of the event.

The 26th Conference Fèlix Serratosa was a great success, providing valuable insights into high-priority research areas such as chemical neuroscience.

More information:26th Conference Fèlix Serratosa with Prof. Dirk Trauner (iciq.org)